This is a movement to get the educated, well infomed and all those interested into the mainstream of politics in India by calling them all to vote, choosing the best candidate in the fray as also getting those in their networks to get involved likewise.

No philosophy, ideology, economic theory or socio-politico-economic-religious affiliation is suggested.

In practical politics, vide coalition dharma as is known, all manifestos and ideologies have to work together. Hence thus.

All are free to educate themselves, get involved and volunteer to be ready as candidates when ready and necessary.

Links are provided to stand-alone and other efforts on the net. Each one is free to choose, profess and practise.

This is only a platform for converging other platforms dynamically.

The why, what, when, where, how are explained in the attached essays, Power point presentation, links etc

These may be downloaded, distributed amd used for presentations -altering as and if necessary

No propaganda, funding, manifesto, advertisements, leaflets etc are planned.

But voluntary collection/accounting and spending is suggested.

The logo may be printed as stickers and given away for sticking on shirt pockets, sarees, carts, autos, cycles, bikes, cars etc..

Meetings, events held etc must be voluntarily funded and surplus if any kept with the chapters (when formed) at their level

An Event Diary will be maintained by the host so that such efforts and their results can disseminated.

There is no copyright for any information provided or used.

Hopefully together we can make an impact in the 2014 elections that should be due.

Those who would like to join this group may please email to this site (host) from the account which is to be included in the and recommend the same to other like-minded.

The host will manage the group email id.

Host's attention may be drawn to other similar efforts and links to them so that they all can be brought together.

Suggestions are always welcome but this is not a discussion forum. ACT FIRST. Lead, follow or move.

Leaders will blossom and evolve as we go.......

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